How To Disable Background Activities With Battery Saver On Windows Phone

Owing a Windows Phone is great to me. I don't know why everyone so hesitated to buy it... But as an owner of a Windows powered phone, I feel pretty awesome because there are lots of things in Windows Phone that even Android and iOS don't.

In this post, I'm gonna share something to you more useful that even Android and iOS has to still work on. That is, background activity prevention and battery saving. (also data saving!)

Windows Phone has a new feature which is here after the Windows Phone 8.1 update. That is an app which is more of a feature to Windows Phone - Battery Saver.

How To Disable Background Activities With Battery Saver On Windows Phone

Battery Saver allows you to monitor battery drainage and app activities. It is more than an app that it helps to monitor your battery and background activities in your device.

Say, if you want an app for eg. Whatsapp, to not to perform or work under lockscreen, you can do it in this app.

Let me show you :

Step 1 : Open Battery Saver app from the menu

Step 2 : You will get into the menu of the app. The menu is so clear that we can understand which app drains your battery most. Select the preferred app from the menu.
You can even sort the menu to display what type of app you want like app to show all apps or to show apps which only have background activity or according to usage.

How To Disable Background Activities With Battery Saver On Windows Phone
How To Disable Background Activities With Battery Saver On Windows Phone
Sort your list according to usage

Step 3 : See if your app has usage in background. If you wanna turn the background activity for that app, just toggle the button to off. (If it is on)
Some application features won't work if it is turned off like toast notifications.

How To Disable Background Activities With Battery Saver On Windows Phone

That's it! You have just saved your battery...!

Battery Saver app just do the job right. Save your battery and also mobile data (background running will consume mobile data) through this.

Will you use this app? Say it through comments.

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